3:00pm-6:00pm (come and go)
Conexus Arts Centre: Schumiatcher Room
All third and fourth year Education students.
The Second Annual Education Social
This is an incredible opportunity for graduating education students so we encourage as many people as possible to take advantage of it. School district representatives from many different areas will be present for students to visit with. This provides students with the opportunity to do some valuable networking and ask questions about the application process and what is expected. Many of the school districts coming are BRINGING CONTRACTS AND WOULD LIKE TO CONDUCT INTERVIEWS AND HIRE PEOPLE THIS AFTERNOON! Appetizers will be served and door prizes will be raffled off throughout the afternoon. There is NO CHARGE TO STUDENTS for this event!
If you are interested in attending please email the Education Student’s Society at ureginaess@gmail.com so that we have an idea of how many students to expect.
Best Wishes,
Education Students’ Society
University of Regina
Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=194760750537326&ref=mf